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A Blog about Real Estate, How it Can Be Damaged, and Disputes Over its Transfer

This blog is a personal blog written to discuss legal issues affecting Georgia property, and how it is damaged, transferred, and fought over. I write this partly to keep abreast of the law, and partly to offer a forum for my writing. In order to find content, I often analyze Georgia Supreme Court decisions. I try to update this blog as I can, but writing is a time consuming process.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Open Meetings Act Requires Record of Votes

In the opinion in Cardinale v. City of Atlanta issued February 6, 2012, the Georgia Supreme Court addressed a set of facts raising the issue whether the Open Meetings Act required a municipality to make a record of the names of members voting for and against a proposal in a poll at a retreat.  The Court's opinion stated that when members of a city council get together and float a proposal informally among the group to ascertain support for a resolution, the names of the members voting for and against the proposal must be made a public record.  Cardinale v. City of Atlanta, Case No. S11G1047 (Ga., Feb. 6, 2012). 

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